12 Irrational Beliefs

    Post 141 of 198

    According to Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) we have 12 irrational beliefs that can cause us distress. The first five are:

    1. The belief that it is a necessity for adults to be loved by significant others for almost everything they do.

    Instead of concentrating on our own self-respect,on loving rather than on being loved.

    2. The belief that certain acts are awful and that people who perform such acts should be severely damned.

    Instead of thinking that certain acts are self-defeating or antisocial. Peoples poor behavior doesn’t always make them bad and nasty.

    3. The belief that it’s horrible when things don’t go our way.

    Instead of the idea that  we would be better trying to change or control bad situations so that they become more satisfactory

    4. The belief that misery is externally caused and is forced on us by outside people and events

    Instead of the idea that neurosis is largely caused by our perceptions

    5. The idea that if something is fearsome we should be terribly upset and endlessly obsess about it

    Instead of facing it and rendering it non-dangerous or, accepting the inevitable.


    If you would like more information on irrational beliefs, underlying assumptions, core beliefs or CBT the contact Sentient Counselling.

    The rest of the irrational beliefs to follow tomorrow….

    #12irrationalbeliefs #cbt

    This article was written by sentientcounselling
