Stop procrastinating

    Post 127 of 198

    Ever have a task to do but it seems so enormous, difficult or painful you’d rather clean the bathroom or watch a box set of a seventies TV show or nap? Here are some ideas which can help stop procrastinating.

    1. Stop thinking about it and do it. Some preparation and planning can help, but ever notice the more you think about it and over plan the when and how etc the more you’re actually putting it off?

    2. Take the first step. You don’t have to reach the top of Everest straight away, but you can set up your base camp and plan your route. SMART goals can help.

    3. Don’t blow it out of proportion. We procrastinate because we overthink and fear the short term pain rather than focusing on the long term gain, the process rather than the outcome.  The more we put something off the worse it seems to us.

    4. Face your fear. The monster under the bed stops being a monster once you’ve tidied up under your bed.

    5. Finish it. Taking the first step can make you feel bad, not finishing it can leave you feeling worse. Remember though there’s no hard and fast rule that you have to finish everything you start, for example if the movie you’re watching is awful just watch another one.


    You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King


    This article was written by sentientcounselling
