Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

    Post 159 of 198

    At the core of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is the belief that there are somethings in our lives we can change, control or manage and there are some things that we can’t. It is accepting the things that we cannot change, that are not in our control and committing to a course of action that will improve our lives, our ways of managing and coping.

    It differs from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in that instead of addressing and challenging distressing thoughts with more rational thinking, the distressing thought is accepted as just that, a thought. It is then diffused with different techniques including mindfulness exercises, leaning to accept and tapping into your values to guide and motivate you to change. As you begin to accept what is not in your control you can commit yourself to managing or changing more effectively.

    The skills and techniques learned in ACT help deal with intrusive thoughts and distressful feelings by regulating them in such a way that they lose their hold over you.

    If you would like further information on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) or if you would like to arrange an appointment please contact Sentient Counselling using the contact form.


    This article was written by sentientcounselling
