Thought for today

    Post 139 of 198

    I was having coffee with an old friend when we got talking about how our minds tend to sometimes wander off in directions, sometimes at the expense of the here and now. So just a thought for today I’d like to share with you following our conversation.  She said to me,

    “Sometimes we feel sad because we’re living in the past. Sometimes we feel anxious because we’re living in the future. Sometimes if we wish to feel at our most relaxed or peaceful it can be helpful to live in the here and now.”

    That’s quite nice I thought. It’s certainly something that I would agree with. As I get older I often pine for faces and places from my youth, regret choices I’ve made and long for what once was.

    I often worry about what will happen tomorrow. Will I be able to afford this? What will the consequences of that be?

    I think it’s important we recognise and acknowledge our past, the path that has led us to where we are now. I also believe we should be mindful of the future but at the expense of the moment?

    The anxieties we feel are often everywhere else but the here and now – worryning about the past, fearful of the future, concern over what others are thinking and so on. Mindfulness exercises and help bring back focus on the moment.

    If you would like any further information on anxiety  or mindfulness please contact Sentient Counselling in Belfast.


    This article was written by sentientcounselling
