Tag archive: bereavement

    Grieving the loss of a loved one is natural. Although pre-bereavement grief may be different from the grief following a death, the anticipation of the death can bring up many of the feelings we feel following the loss of a loved one. We can experience pre-bereavement grief even when the prospect of death even becomes…

      Loneliness is not the same as being alone. We can enjoy our own company. We may even prefer to be on our own at times. When we want to be alone, we can find it restful and peaceful. We can become quite creative. Loneliness, however, is not having anyone to see or talk to…

    Please click on the following link for information on the stages of grief / bereavement   http://www.rscpp.co.uk/content/features/bereavement-stages-grief.html   Darren Magee, Sentient Counselling

    We grieve when a loved one dies. It’s a perfectly normal and natural emotional response to loss. However grief is not just ‘sadness’. It is often a progression of different emotions such as shock, anger, anxiety, numbness etc. The grieving process, in which many emotions are experienced can take days, weeks, months or years. Some people may experience…

    If you have work related stress, among other things you may find you don’t take breaks, perhaps bring work home with you or are always in a rush to get things done. Many staff members these days agree that the demands of their jobs seriously interfere with their personal life. They also recognize that If they…

    Making peace with the past can be such a difficult concept for some people. Especially if we have be grieved or victimized in some way. We often define ourselves by our experiences, our relationships, our significant others even when it’s uncomfortable to us. For example people who have suffered abuse often refer to themselves as victims,…
