Tag archive: psychotherapy

    When a narcissistic parent or parents have more than one child, they are assigned different roles within the family unit. These roles may swap and change at the whim of the parent, depending on mood or circumstance. If they have only the one child, that child may have to play more than one role. Here…

    The Drama Triangle There are times when we all react to situations as victims. There are times when we really are the victim. Other times though maybe not so much. However, when we don’t take any responsibility for ourselves we will always react as a victim.  We can feel taken advantage of or betrayed. We…

    Health Anxiety is characterised by a preoccupation with having a drastic and serious illness. It can be a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. People who suffer with it believe they are or will at some point experience a serious life threatening or debilitating condition. They tend to find little or no reassurance from doctors, believing…

    In the different areas of psychology there are what are referred to as defence mechanisms. These are ways in which we defend ourselves against unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Most defence mechanisms are automatic. They are instinctive. We act in a way that we often don’t know what we’re doing. There is nothing wrong with defence…

    A traumatic event is a shocking experience for which our normal ways of processing and coping become overwhelmed. Reactions to such events vary from person to person but often lead to feelings of confusion and fear. Usually unsettling thoughts and feelings dissipate over a few weeks as the brain begins to make sense of and…
