Understanding one another

    Post 186 of 198

    Understanding one another better can help us all improve our relationships. All our beliefs have developed over the whole of our lifespan.  We learn from our significant others such as parents, teachers, clergy, friends etc. We also learn from watching others for example in the playground, adults arguing, television and movies and so on. It’s how we learn our values and how to interact with each other. Even within the same family close siblings can adopt extremely personal and different views on relationships, loyalty, money, food etc. These beliefs are unlikely to change during a heated argument!  In fact they are more likely to become more entrenched and even irrational as neither side will back down.

    It can be difficult to move on from an arguement if someone doesn’t understand their own position never mind the other persons.

    With the help of a counsellor you can learn to argue in an open manner by exploring and understanding our views rationally.  You can become more aware of how you perceive the world and how it influences your behaviour and decisions  When you come to terms with how you feel about sex, food, people, money, the easier it will be to rationally make healthier plans and choices.

    If you would like more information on counselling  or would like to make an appointment please contact Sentient Counselling.


    #relationships #communication

    This article was written by sentientcounselling
