Clinical Supervision
There are many different types of supervision. A few examples would be clinical, managerial, consultative, educational, coaching, organisational and so on. Historically, clinical supervision covered counselling and psychotherapy. Later as supervision developed it began to cover managerial and other professional disciplines. Different models of supervision have been developed over the years. The Cyclical model, the Seven Eyed Model are but a few. There is also individual and group supervision. But what is supervision? How does it help?
One definition I’ve heard is, ‘Supervision is a working alliance between two professionals where supervisees offer an account of their work, reflect on it, receive feedback and receive guidance if appropriate. The object of this alliance is to enable the worker to gain in ethical competency, confidence and creativity as to give the best possible service to clients.’, Inskipp and Proctor (2001)
This definition I believe covers not only counselling and psychotherapy supervision but also any profession. Clients, customers, service users and indeed even the organisation benefit from staff attending regular supervision.
In clinical supervision the framework is focused on the supervisor helping the supervisee manage their casework and develop skills to help best support their clients.
The BACP, NCS and other professional bodies require therapists attend supervision for a minimum of an hour and a half each month. This helps them to be able to work both ethically and safely. In other professions supervision may be required monthly or even quarterly. This can help support and develop staff in the delivery of their duties efficiently.
It is important to remember that supervision is not a task carried out by an expert for a novice. Nor a manager to a subordinate. It is a joint process between supervisee and supervisor. Both collaborate to ensure that the quality of practice constantly develops the capability of the supervisee and makes sure they are adequately resourced for their casework.
If you would benefit from attending supervision whether clinical or consultative then contact Sentient Counselling in Belfast for an appointment to see if you or your organisation could benefit from it.
#counsellingsupervision #clinicalsupervision
Tags: counselling, management, supervision

This article was written by sentientcounselling