Sociopathic Behaviour

    Post 176 of 198

    A sociopath can take great delight in making others lives a misery. Nothing stands in their way and they will go to almost any length to get what they want. A sociopath may pledge undying love to someone yet turn out to be married.  It’s like they can lovingly caress someone while gently twisting a knife in their ribs.

    Sociopathic behaviour can be difficult to recognize at first. The truth is they are brilliant actors who are often the most beguiling people you could ever meet. They appear charming and say just what you want to hear. They don’t experience emotions the way others do but can feign and mimic them. They exploit others vulnerabilities, needs and their willingness to trust. They pretend to care, show interest and make their victims feel good about themselves to the point where they’ll let their guard down. Then begins abusive behavior towards those they’ve targeted.

    A sociopath will never show any remorse for their behavior as they never acknowledge the consequences of their actions. They often see themselves as victims and will attempt to blacken the names of they whom they targeted when they’ve been caught – in their minds they are never the perpetrators. They don’t see any consequences to what they’ve done as they don’t have any empathy towards others.

    If you have been the target of a sociopath you may experience low self esteem, constant anxiety and continually be second guessing yourself. Counselling can help you make sense of your experiences and you can regain control over your life.


    If you would like more information on sociopathy, or would like to speak to a professional therapist about your experiences of being a victim of a sociopath then contact Sentient Counselling in Belfast.



    This article was written by sentientcounselling
