Conflict Resolution and Mediation
There are different ways to resolve conflict. For example arguing over it, insulting and blaming others, being violent, forcing resolutions, even ignoring there is a problem. The difficulty with these solutions though are that both parties aren’t going to be happy with them.
Generally whenever there is a difficulty we tend to think in terms of win or lose. Who gets the last word, who puts the other in their place and so on. When we try to resolve problems like that at least one party will walk away resentful, and that will carry over to the next argument so nothing ever gets fixed.
Mediation and conflict resolution is a process in which all parties reach a resolution they are happy with. It doesn’t focus on blame but an agreement over what is actually wrong and encourages a collaborative approach to finding a way forward.
Mediation is used in many different areas where there is conflict, from the workplace, neighbourhoods, families and so on. The steps involve:
Identifying the actual problem, from both perspectives
Explore what each party actually wants
Clarify both positions
Explore possible solutions or compromises, and how they would affect each party
Agree a way forward
Implement what has been agreed
Review and re-evaluate as appropriate
if you think you or your organisation would benefit from mediation then contact Sentient Counselling.
#conflictresolution #mediation #mediationbelfast
Tags: mediation, relationships

This article was written by sentientcounselling