Unhealthy Relationships (Part 1)
Being in a relationship with a toxic person can be unhealthy. Your self-confidence and self-esteem can begin to suffer the longer you are exposed to them. Here are some behaviours of a toxic person.
They have high expectations of you.
You are there for their pleasure and benefit. You are there to respect, honour and serve them but any expectation of reciprocation is dismissed as an unreasonable demand.
They don’t communicate appropriately.
They may tell you their needs and wants but never acknowledge yours. When they go against your wishes in their favour may respond with something dismissive like, ‘Oh I thought we’d agreed’. They answer different questions to what you’ve asked. They tend to employ ‘selective hearing’.
They take no responsibility for their faults.
Anything that goes wrong is your fault, or the fault of something or someone else.
They don’t feel true emotions other than anger or fear.
They are good at mimicking emotions but often need watch and copy others reactions to respond appropriately.
They are the victim.
Anything that has ever went wrong has been done deliberately to hurt them, others are jealous of them, people hate them because they are kind. They are constantly needy, wanting validated or idolised
They tell you how you feel and what you think.
They give you motives for why you do things. If you’re right they tell you you’re lucky, if they’re wrong they attack you for feeling good about it. They tell others what you think and feel publicly to embarrass you.
They lack maturity.
Behave like a spoilt child and lash out when not getting their own way. May find it difficult to know their own mind or have difficulty making decisions without guidance from whoever has been abusive and controlling to them. In turn they don’t want you having any autonomy either.
Counselling can help both parties in the relationship. It can help people draw up boundaries and learn how to reinforce them, it can help people to accept responsibility for themselves. It can even help end the relationship amicably.
More toxic and unhealthy behaviours to follow next time.
Tags: counselling, relationship

This article was written by sentientcounselling