Category archive: Blog category 1

    Please see below and click on the link for an article I’ve written entitled, ‘What is Counselling?

    Many people who are uncomfortable not being in control of situations and circumstances are often labelled as control freaks. However the underlying causes of controlling behaviour often lies in feelings of insecurity and fear. This feeling of not having control, or indeed of being controlled can come from many different areas and leaves some people…

    With Mediation Awareness Week running from 19th to 24th October 2015 it’s an opportunity to inform people about what mediation is and how it can help settle disputes between individuals, families, communities, businesses, churches and community organisation. Mediation is a facilitated negotiation, a process where opposing parties take part in and agree on a solution…

    With yesterday being world mental health day here is an updated version of an article first published about a year or so ago about emotional abuse and the effect it can have on our mental health. Emotional abuse can damage a person’s self esteem and confidence. People can end up feeling devalued and worthless, and the shame…

    Most people can find it difficult to part with sentimental items at times. The things that remind us of others and significant events in our lives. For some however the thought of parting with anything can be too difficult, regardless of the actual value, emotional or financial. When this difficulty is persistent and begins to…

    Growing up in a dysfunctional family where one or both parents are or were affected by addiction, for example alcoholism, can leave some people stuck at an earlier developmental stage in their lives. Sometimes because they haven’t learned to manage and process thoughts and feelings appropriately as adults. Some have said it feels as if…

    Envy is often confused with jealousy. For example someone might say, ‘I’m so jealous of your new car’, but they’re not really. They are actually envious. Whereas jealousy is often feeling a perceived threat of losing someone or something important to you, envy can be a mix of feeling resentment, inferiority, hostility etc. It’s something…

    Jealousy and envy are often confused. For example we may say ‘You’re going on a world cruise? I’m so jealous’. However in that case we are probably feeling more envious than jealous. We feel jealous when something or someone we think belongs to us is under threat. For example a partner or spouse befriending an old flame…

    A bad boss can destroy morale if they are quick to criticise, slow to praise, humiliate someone rather than help develop them. A boss who takes credit for the staff’s achievements but blames them for failure will often have a high turnover of staff and foster a culture of hostility. When a boss creates a toxic…

    Social anxiety and shyness are common problems that can affect anyone. In fact most people feel shy or anxious in certain social situations. However there are times when the anxiety can feel overwhelming. If you think you may suffer from social anxiety ask yourself if you experience the following regularly. You think you’ll act in…
