Tag archive: counselling

    Trauma Bonding Trauma bonding refers to the attachment victims of abuse or neglect form with their abuser. Sometimes that attachment takes the form of obsessive thoughts of hatred or revenge. More commonly though it refers to a fear of, and loyalty towards the perpetrator. Because of that loyalty the victim may sometimes confuse this fear…

    Sleep allows us to recharge from our stressful and ever complicated lives. It leaves us refreshed and ready to face another day and another challenge. But I think it’s fair to say that we all from time to time have uncomfortable nights experiencing bad dreams, insomnia, or restlessness. However if this becomes regular and chronic…

    The term alcoholic normally conjures up an image of someone who is always drunk, dishevelled and dysfunctional. Someone who is perhaps unemployed and aggressive toward others. However a high functioning alcoholic (HFA), is someone who is able to hold down a job and maintain relationships. An HFA may not realise they have a problem or…

    Ever get the feeling you’re no good at what you do? Worry that you’re not breaking a sweat when trying and that someone sooner or later is going to see through you as the fraud that you are? We all have feelings of doubt from time to time but sometimes when we are consistently unable…

    When we think of obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD as it is commonly known as, we often think of patterns of obsessive thoughts. These thoughts are usually associated with an intense fear of something dreadful happening. The compulsions that follow usually involve some kind of ritual to try to prevent the dreadful thing happening. For…

    Being in a relationship with a toxic person can be unhealthy. Your self-confidence and self-esteem can begin to suffer the longer you are exposed to them. Here are some behaviours of a toxic person.   They have high expectations of you. You are there for their pleasure and benefit. You are there to respect, honour…

    Usually when a relationship goes wrong it’s the communication where the problems begin. In fact communication, or lack of it may be the underlying theme running throughout most of the problems in your relationship. If we improve communication we may improve our relationships. Differences, disagreements and arguments can often be traced back to difficulties in…

    Please see below a link to the Well Being website featuring an article I’ve written about the psychological impact of the troubles in Northern Ireland and it’s links with trauma and alcohol addiction. Psychological impact of the Troubles if you would like any further information on trauma, PTSD, alcoholism, addiction or anything else in the article,…

    There can be many reasons for infidelity, most commonly referred to as cheating. For example revenge for some previous slight, lack of fulfilment, lack of love at home, the love of attention, to feel desired, to improve self-esteem and so on. Sometimes people just crave the excitement, want to make their partner jealous or want…

    Please see below and click on the link for an article I’ve written entitled, ‘What is Counselling?   psychotherapist-info.co.uk/artikel/id2782-What_is_Counselling.html
