Tag archive: narcissistic

    Narcissism Narcissism has many different shades and characteristics. Among the most common are the overt, in your face, grandiose type. This involves intimidation, bullying, a need for attention and externalised anger. The other being the covert or vulnerable type. This involves playing on your guilt in order to manipulate you, being distant and an internalised…

    When a narcissistic parent or parents have more than one child, they are assigned different roles within the family unit. These roles may swap and change at the whim of the parent, depending on mood or circumstance. If they have only the one child, that child may have to play more than one role. Here…

    In the narcissistic family there is a hierarchy. It begins usually with either a matriarch or patriarch, most commonly known as the head of the family. From there, there is a pecking order of partner and children in which everyone has their roles.  The head of the family dominates others through either overt or covert…
