Spiritual Abuse
Like all forms of abuse, spiritual abuse is when one party inflicts their will and control over another aggressively, but in this case using spirituality as a mask. Some people will try to convince others that they have the right and the rightiousness to be obeyed, they are never wrong. Moreover it is their responsibility to show others how wrong they almost always are. These people are not to be questioned under any circumstances. Some even claim their word and actions are God’s will. Using the name and word of a Loving God as a means of having dominion over and oppressing others is undermining to everyone.
When someone awakens to this kind of oppression and learns the truth of his own spirituality they may feel betrayed and even hateful towards the perpetrator or perpetrators. It is important to remember that the perpetrator hid what they were really doing behind a mask of spirituality because it was the only form of control they had, and the victim allowed it because they may have believed it was for their own good.
It can be difficult to know if you are being abused spiritually as it is your spirit which is being attacked rather than your body or emotions. Some things to consider are:
1. Does someone claiming religious or spiritual superiority insist you consult them before making decisions?
2. Do you find yourself frequently asking where you stand spiritually?
3. Has your view of God become one of a hard taskmaster?
4. Do you worry your spirituality depends on your behaviour, how you look, the tasks you perform?
If you feel you have been or are being spiritually abused counselling can help you take more control over yourself and the situation. If you would like further information on spiritual abuse or would like to arrange an appointment contact Sentient Counselling in Belfast.
Tags: abuse, anxiety, counselling, trauma

This article was written by sentientcounselling