12 Irrational Beliefs (2)

    Post 140 of 198

    Continuing from yesterday here are the other 6 irrational beliefs from Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT).


    6. The belief that avoidance is easier than to facing lifes difficulties

    Instead avoidance is usually much harder in the long run.

    7. The belief that we need something stronger or greater than ourselves on which to rely

    Instead of the idea that it is better to take the risks and think independently.

    8. The belief that we should be competent, intelligent, and achieving.

    Instead that we would better do our best and accept ourself as a quite imperfect creatures, who have general  limitations and specific fallibilities

    9. The belief that because something once strongly affected our life, it should always affect it

    Instead of realizing that we can learn from our experiences but not be overly prejudiced by them.

    10. The belief that we must have certain and perfect control over people, situations and events

    Instead of the idea that the world is full of random and unpredictable events, but we can still live life to the full.

    11. The belief that human happiness can be achieved by inertia and inaction

    Instead  that we tend to be happiest when we are engaged in creative pursuits

    12. The belief we have no control over our emotions and we cannot help feeling disturbed about things

    Instead we can have control over our destructive emotions if we choose to work at changing them


    If you would like any further information on irrational beliefs, automatic negative thinking, or CBT then contact Sentient Counselling, Belfast


    #12irrationalbeliefs #cbt

    This article was written by sentientcounselling
