Are you currently or have you ever faced someone who continually makes your life a misery?
A bully is a person who tries to make others feel powerless, worthless and afraid. Bullying has three main features: deliberate aggression, pain and distress, and unequal power. Bullies come from many different backgrounds, and are of all ages. Typical bully characteristics include coming from a family where manipulation or violence is considered normal, feelings of inadequacy – and feeling the need to make others feel inadequate, an inflated sense of self worth – feeling more important than others, and most commonly having been a victim of bullying themselves.
That is not to say any of this excuses bullying, you may never know why you are being bullied, however if you find yourself being hurt by someone it can be quite empowering to accept that person as flawed and unhappy, and not feel guilty for taking action. For example in the workplace making a formal complaint.
Bullying behaviour is a common part of everyday life. It happens all over the world in many different situations and environments. It takes place at home, in schools, at work, on the internet (cyber bullying), or by messaging such as texting.
The effects of being bullied can be quite traumatic. The thought that someone wants to hurt you can be devastating, you may wonder you’ve done to deserve it, or that you’re worthless.
If you find that bullying either in the present or from past experiences has affected you adversely then perhaps consider speaking to a counsellor. Counselling can help you understanding happens in bullying, develop assertiveness, build confidence to break away from feeling like a victim, and treat any the effects such as anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression.
Tags: bullying, counselling
This article was written by sentientcounselling