
    According to Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) we have 12 irrational beliefs that can cause us distress. The first five are: 1. The belief that it is a necessity for adults to be loved by significant others for almost everything they do. Instead of concentrating on our own self-respect,on loving rather than on being loved. 2. The belief that certain acts…

    We grieve when a loved one dies. It’s a perfectly normal and natural emotional response to loss. However grief is not just ‘sadness’. It is often a progression of different emotions such as shock, anger, anxiety, numbness etc. The grieving process, in which many emotions are experienced can take days, weeks, months or years. Some people may experience…

    A narcissistic personality is usually characterized by a pattern of grandiosity, either in fantasy or behavior. There is also an overwhelming need for admiration. Most strikingly however is a complete lack of empathy toward other people. Narcissists usually believe they are of great importance in everybody’s life while displaying disdainful and patronizing attitudes towards others and their experiences, needs etc….

    Fear of intimacy is not just the fear of romance or sex. It can be a fear of our connection to others. According to attachment theory infants who are not held, nurtured, encouraged and supported have difficulty thriving. Fear of intimacy could be because we have a fear of being abandoned, rejected or betrayed emotionally….

    It seems to me these days we live in a society where finding someone to blame is more important than finding ways to put things right. It has become the blame culture. I guess if we find a cause then we’re letting ourselves off the hook. So if everything is everyone else’s fault then how…

    Always being anxious, always worrying and assuming the worst will happen can impact negatively on your jobs, choices, relationships and can stop you living your life in a full and healthy way. If you want to change anxious thinking to a style that’s less distressing or upsetting into a way of thinking that’s more realistic…

    A verbal abuser has the same underlying issues of control and domination as any other kind of abuser. Abusers generally feel happier if they make someone doubt themselves or back down. Then they behave as if nothing has happened as they feel more in control. Verbal abuse comes in a myriad of forms, and although some…

    Like all forms of abuse, spiritual abuse is when one party inflicts their will and control over another aggressively, but in this case using spirituality as a mask. Some people will try to convince others that they have the right and the rightiousness to be obeyed, they are never wrong. Moreover it is their responsibility…

    Some people fall in love at first sight and get married immediately. Others spend hours deciding whether to wear black or grey socks. Seeing the world as yes or no, black or white, or indeed different shades of gray can affect people’s choices, whether choosing a job, a relationship or which politician candidate to vote for. Those with conflicting feelings…

    To help face your feelings, particularly the ones that cause us distress, it can be helpful to begin seeing them in a different light. Like the monster under the bed we feared as a child, when the light came on we had no reason to fear. For example anger is something we fear. We hate…
