Tag archive: feelings

    In the narcissistic family there is a hierarchy. It begins usually with either a matriarch or patriarch, most commonly known as the head of the family. From there, there is a pecking order of partner and children in which everyone has their roles.  The head of the family dominates others through either overt or covert…

    In the different areas of psychology there are what are referred to as defence mechanisms. These are ways in which we defend ourselves against unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Most defence mechanisms are automatic. They are instinctive. We act in a way that we often don’t know what we’re doing. There is nothing wrong with defence…

    Primary cognitive obsessive compulsive disorder is also be known as primarily obsessional OCD, or Pure-O OCD. It is a lesser known form of OCD which can at times be missed. This is because there are fewer physical manifestations such as hand washing, checking switches, counting etc to observe. The compulsive rituals which do take place are…
