Some questions for couples in therapy

    Post 180 of 198
    Here are some questions for couples in therapy. If you and your partner are thinking about relationship counselling these might be useful questions to ask yourselves and each other.
    1. What type of relationship do you want ?
    All relationships change. Circumstances change, children come along, financial status changes etc This is natural and normal. If you’re not sure what you do want perhaps start with what you don’t want.
    2. What do you want to learn about yourself or the relationship?
    The old saying knowledge is power is true. The more you and your partner talk the more you learn about yourselves and each other. The more knowledge you have of yourselves and each other the better equipped you are to manage difficulties.
    3. How do you want to be as a partner?
    A useful question to ask is what do you want from your partner? What qualities would you like them to have? Then ask yourself if you meet that very criteria.
    4. What do you want to stop doing?
    Think about something you’re doing which might not be helpful to the relationship. It may sounds obvious but if shouting at each other doesn’t help anything why would you think shouting louder would help?
    5. What do you want to start doing instead?
    What do you think you would enjoy doing as a couple? When you begin to look for solutions rather than problems quite often it stops being an argument and becomes a discussion.
    If you think you and your partner would benefit from couples counselling or would just like some further information please contact Sentient Counselling.

    Counselling and Psychotherapy

    This article was written by sentientcounselling
