Some tips to help with Social Phobia / anxiety

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    Here are some tips which some people find helpful in overcoming social phobia / anxiety.

    Prepare to relax – imagine a tense situation whilst relaxing in a hot bath, or listening to soothing music. Learn to let go

    Focus on your surroundings – to help take the focus off yourself. How many windows are there? What kind of paintings on the wall? How many lights are there?

    Ask questions – Ask more than closed ‘yes no’ questions to encourage others to talk to you. Make a point of remembering what they say and mention it later to show you’re interested in them

    Seek out social situations – gradually desensitize yourself to the things that frighten you

    Focus on what you want – rather than focusing on the process of getting it

    Stop your imagination running riot – you’ve no control over what others think and feel, why waste so much energy trying to?

    Focus on being yourself – stop worrying about how others might be seeing you and enjoy being you


    If anxiety around social situations is something you suffer with try talking to a counsellor to learn to understand your fears and overcome them, If you would like further information or would like to make an appointment please contact Sentient Counselling.


    This article was written by sentientcounselling
