A Fear of Intimacy

    Post 144 of 198

    Fear of intimacy is not just the fear of romance or sex. It can be a fear of our connection to others. According to attachment theory infants who are not held, nurtured, encouraged and supported have difficulty thriving. Fear of intimacy could be because we have a fear of being abandoned, rejected or betrayed emotionally. We carry these fears from our childhood because that’s how we may have been treated by our parents, teachers, friends and various significant others who may have indeed felt like that themselves. We thought these significant others behaviours reflected our worth.

    The intimacy itself doesn’t cause the fear more the anticipation of what will happen if we get involved with someone.

    If we feel unlovable or unworthy or defective due to our low self worth we can find it difficult, even shameful to reveal our true selves to others. Counselling can help learn the tools for healing and to help overcome the fear of intimacy. To learn where the feelings of fear and unworthiness came from, and how society expects us to pretend everythings fine. It can help to develop a healthier more honest, confident and balanced view of self.


    If you would benefit from exploring your feelings around intimacy and relationships contact Sentient Counselling in Belfast.


    This article was written by sentientcounselling
