
    Big boys don’t cry ….Well actually they do. In fact the ‘bigger’ they are I believe the more comfortable they are with being able to show their emotion, as well as cry. In today’s culture many men suffer some form of abuse in one way or another just as women do. Abuse can be seen as…

    CBT in Belfast

    With so many organisations, agencies and health centres offering various types of counselling, what exactly is it and why choose private counselling? Not understanding what counselling is or what it’s about can put many people off asking for the support they need. Instead they may internalize their difficulties and experiences. This in turn can lead to further anxiety,…

    Sometimes during the counselling process it can seem as if clients are working in opposition to their therapists. The clients may not want to explore particular issues, change a particular behaviour or challenge some long held belief. In counselling this is known as client resistance. This behaviour may seem like a blockage to progress but it isn’t…

    With age, with trauma, with so many demands on us our memories tend to slow down a bit. Have you ever been in a conversation only to forget what the other persons just said? Or watched a television programme only to forget what it was about? How about reading something, getting to the end of the…

    Making peace with the past can be such a difficult concept for some people. Especially if we have be grieved or victimized in some way. We often define ourselves by our experiences, our relationships, our significant others even when it’s uncomfortable to us. For example people who have suffered abuse often refer to themselves as victims,…

    A sociopath can take great delight in making others lives a misery. Nothing stands in their way and they will go to almost any length to get what they want. A sociopath may pledge undying love to someone yet turn out to be married.  It’s like they can lovingly caress someone while gently twisting a knife in their ribs….

    Children with an avoidant attachment tend to avoid parents and other caregivers.  This avoidance can intensify after a long period of absence. The children may not reject attention from a parent or other significant figure, but they don’t actively seek contact. Often children with an avoidant attachment show no preference between a parent and a stranger. Adults…

    When we recognize that anxiety is having a real fear of having no control over something very important to us, then we need to acknowledge there are some things we do not have any control over and can free ourselves by learning to let go. We cannot change the past yet we seem to drag it…

    Avoidant personality disorder can be characterized by a pattern of feelings of inadequacy, sensitivity to what others think and social inhibition. It can be quite a stifling and restrictive way to live. Some typical behaviours include: Restraint in intimate relationships because of fear of being shamed or ridiculed Inhibitions due to feelings of inadequacy Avoiding activities that…

    Here are some questions for couples in therapy. If you and your partner are thinking about relationship counselling these might be useful questions to ask yourselves and each other. 1. What type of relationship do you want ? All relationships change. Circumstances change, children come along, financial status changes etc This is natural and normal….
