Tag archive: relationships

    Primary cognitive obsessive compulsive disorder is also be known as primarily obsessional OCD, or Pure-O OCD. It is a lesser known form of OCD which can at times be missed. This is because there are fewer physical manifestations such as hand washing, checking switches, counting etc to observe. The compulsive rituals which do take place are…

    Emotional hijacking is the term used for what happens when someone’s ability to think rationally becomes overpowered by their emotions. It is most commonly experienced when people lash out aggressively or become intensely fearful. It is an intense emotional outburst triggered by what could even be innocent or innocuous. Emotional hijacking isn’t something that just happens…

    Opposites Attract There is an old saying that opposites attract. I think there can be a fair bit of truth in that, particularly between narcissists and co-dependents. The common trait between them both however is an unhealthy relationship with themselves. Co-dependant people have a poor relationship with themselves. Relying on others to validate their experiences…

    We often think in terms of being happier when we have more of what we like or less of what we don’t like. As we reflect on the past year with all it brought we think of what will make us happier. So with a new year often comes new resolutions. Have you ever noticed…

    Is it okay to be in a relationship where you feel as if you don’t matter? When is it okay to not have your needs met? Is it reasonable to be told you’re selfish and wrong for having needs, values, and boundaries? Ever been left sometimes feeling as if you really are selfish for even having needs?…

    How many times have you heard phrases like, “You have to earn my respect”, or, “Respect has to be earned”? I have heard that said many times in my life. There have been times when I’ve heard one person say it to another. Sometimes it has been said to me or about me. Other times I…

    Co dependency has many different levels and take many different routes. The road isn’t always clearly signposted. However there are some signals that may not make sense at that time but may well help inform future processes. Many years ago when Dave’s nephew was just a little kid playing with plastic dinosaurs and toy racing cars, he was asked…

    I believe there are two things you need to bring to any relationship, whether it’s with your partner, your neighbour, your employer or whoever. The first is self-respect. I think that self-respect is a good place to start and a good healthy thing to bring to any relationship. The second is communication. I have noticed…

    Trauma Bonding Trauma bonding refers to the attachment victims of abuse or neglect form with their abuser. Sometimes that attachment takes the form of obsessive thoughts of hatred or revenge. More commonly though it refers to a fear of, and loyalty towards the perpetrator. Because of that loyalty the victim may sometimes confuse this fear…

    Trauma bonding was a term first used by Patrick Carnes. Also referred to sometimes as Stockholm Syndrome, it is commonly associated with the submissive and loyal relationship that can sometimes develop between a hostage and their kidnapper. However the term actually refers to a wide range of emotions and reactions in any relationship where there…
